Strategic Alliances, Prophecy & Life Together
Over a year ago I heard God clearly saying to me, "Look at the people I am placing in your life. I am forming strategic alliances in order to advance my kingdom." Awesome! Some of the people who were entering my life in deeper ways at that point were other pastors - Mike L and Paul A. Others were not clergy but have a powerful anointing for ministry - Chris D, Fred O, Andrew B, etc. These alliances have had varying degrees of contact, but God is renewing relationships and taking us new places.
This morning, Mike, Fred, Paul & I met to pray. The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way and we were all greatly encouraged as we interceded for our community and asked God to reveal His strategies for the advancement of His kingdom. I believe God is continuing to unite people for a greater purpose than we can see right now.
Another person God has put in my life is Fr. Ed. For a few years, we have met together on Tuesday afternoons to discuss Scriptures, along with a few other local pastors who are true gifts from God in my life. Ed & I have ministered together at two of the four suicides that have taken place over the last couple of years. I was moved as he led us in today's funeral mass for Christian Benner. The liturgy, which may seem cold and lifeless to some, was rich and meaningful for me. There was a sign in the area where Ed prepares for worship that said, "The thing that matters most is that Jesus is here." Yes!
Tonight we celebrated life in Jesus with the church that meets at our house. We laughed a lot - even more than usual. The atmosphere was like breathing in love itself as we prayed, listened, shared victories and struggles, and enjoyed the headship of Jesus over us. One of the things that really ministered to me was how the church responded to Laurie's needs. She is moving soon and we had a house warming for her. In her words, "This is like Christmas."
Barb led the children and after she taught them the story of Jonah, she had them write what they would like the story of their lives to say. I think they were prophesying about their own lives! Here are their stories:
Seth's Story
Seth grew up with godly parents who worshiped Jesus. He was a mighty warrior for God. He prayed for wisdom and faith. People knew that he loved God all his life.
Shani's Story
Shani grew up with godly parents who loved Jesus. Shani became a warrior for God. She gave to the poor. She prayed for others and taught them how to know Jesus.
(Note: In helping with their stories, Barb asked Shani if she wanted to be a princess and she said, "No, I want to be a warrior." That's my girl!!!)
We prayed and asked God about partnering with a house church in Africa, and once again we experienced the clear leading of the Holy Spirit. I can't wait to email the church there and let them know that we will be sending them money for their ministry.
Tonight, I heard from Craig, who said some very kind things, and tomorrow I meet with a youth pastor who is asking lots of questions about the traditional/institutional church and longing for something more. The alliances are continuing to form, and I am eager to see what God is going to do next!
An Intense Day
Today was quite a ride. I got up early and went for a nice run with Mark. As usual, the miles passed quickly as we discussed some Scriptures. Then I met a new Christian for a time of discipleship at a coffee shop at 8:30. Just after 9:00, the BGPD called and asked if I could assist them with an apparent suicide. I immediately went to the address and will never forget what I saw - both the deceased and the indescribable grief of his family. It angered me to see the results of Satan's deception in such graphic detail. I think the cries of his mother must have resembled Jesus weeping over Jerusalem before his crucifixion.
From there , I left to speak at Rudolph Christian Church, where three churches had joined for a special service. Though my mind was racing with a thousand thoughts, God calmed my soul and anointed the message. From there I went back to see the boy's family, then on the cemetery to assist with a prayer service marking the birthday of another student (Jeff) who committed suicide earlier this year. I read some verses from Isaiah 43 and reminded the students and family that God is on our side.
From there we went to a friend's pond to baptize Jeff's twin brother and mother. Since his death, they have come to know Jesus and it was a wonderful celebration.
It was a beautiful day and I was blessed to ride the motorcycle to Perrysburg for a counseling appointment before spending the rest of the evening at home.
It's now almost 10:30 and I'm pretty tired. It's a good tired, and as emotionally difficult as today has been, I am grateful for the privilege of being Christ's ambassador in BG and NW OH.
Please pray for the family of the young man who took his life, and for my friend Fr. Ed Schleter who will be conducting the funeral. And pray that the lies of the Enemy will not result in any more deaths in our community.
Two posts in one day!
We went to a party tonight with the members of the BNI group I'm in (Business Network International). The purpose of the group is for us to help build one another's businesses through referrals, and this was our first purely social gathering.
The party was a great opportunity to get to know people better. I found out that D is a Spirit-filled believer who has a hunger to preach God's Word. T & M are eager to grow in their relationship with Jesus and as we talked I felt the Spirit prompting me. I suggested that three couples meet this Wednesday for the purpose of going deeper with God. Before we left the party, it was all set. Kim and I are eager to see what God is going to do. Maybe a new HC will be born! Maybe not. Either way, obedience is a good thing and the results are totally in God's hands. He is the only One, after all, who can make anything grow. The important thing for me is that seeds are being planted. It sure feels good to be salt and light!
Football & HC
We had a great evening with the church last night - great food, communion, scriptures, prayer, giving, and sharing life. I'm really glad that Kyle is part of our church. He is a starter on the BGSU football team and is very spiritually mature. We talked for a while after most people left and he was very encouraging to me about the impact he feels I'm having on the team this year. Then I got to see the Mountaineers beat Maryland and hear about my nephew's first game as an 8th grader. He had six tackles and it looks like he might turn out to be a good ball player.
I got up early and a nice run this morning, and spent some rich time in the Word. I really like getting up early - as long as I don't stay up too late at night.
Today I received an email from an organic church leader in Troy. He sent me this African House Churches Network.
Renewed Focus
The time I spent at the retreat center on Monday was really refreshing. I have started to re-read The Organic Church, and it's providing some renewed focus for me, especially as it relates to our involvement in the organic/simple/house church movement. I'd like to share something I read today that makes a lot of sense and continues to convict and challenge me:
"We would do much better as leaders in the Church to learn at the feet of the farmer rather than study with the CEO of a corporation. It is time we see that the Church starts in the fields, not in the barns. We spend so much time building nice barns with padded pews, air-conditioned halls, and state-of-the-art sound systems, yet we have neglected the fields. We are as foolish as the farmer who builds a barn and then stands in the doorway calling all the crops to come in and make themselves at home. It is time for the Church to get her hands dirty in the soil of lost people's lives." (p. 35)
He may be overstating things a bit, but probably not much. Contructing buildings and getting your hands dirty in the soil of lost people's lives are certainly not mutually exclusive. There are many churches who have successfully done both. However, I think they are probably the exception. I have had and will continue to have some great experiences in the buildings mentioned above, but the call to get my hands dirty resonates deeply.
I've followed CEO models much more than learning from farmers. It's a lot more glamorous to do that, and it sure made me feel important. I understand it a little better now, because most of us tend to identify ourselves by what we can accomplish. However, I am finding that most of what has eternal significance defies our measurements.
Even as we began our new ministry, I have made many mistakes in attempting to centralize, control, and build. I think the best goal I can have is to abide in Jesus to the degree that every moment of every day I am responding in faith to whatever God is initiating/growing in that moment. I know that His priority is lost people, and that priority needs to be more apparent in my life. I think I'll head out today with a bag of seeds and sow as generously as I can.
A worthy goal
I was blessed to speak at the game day chapel on Saturday with the BGSU Falcon football team. It was cool to see so many players and coaches there. I spoke about passion, which was a great topic since I've had a few "passionless" days recently. I love how proclaiming Truth helps me experience it in my own life. The game went into triple overtime and in spite of some pretty poor playing we managed to win. It was exciting to see the team play with passion!
After chapel, I met a friend at a local coffee shop and shared the Gospel with him. Later in the day, while he was alone, he invited Jesus to take over his life! We met for coffee Sunday morning and started the discipleship process. I'm very excited about my friend's new birth and look forward to seeing what God is going to do in his life - and in his family!
Yesterday we went to Columbus for my brother's last Sunday at his church. We arrived for the evening going away party and it was very nice. I've felt for years that it wasn't a matter of "if" but "when" and "where" he would become a district superintendent in the Church of the Nazarene. I'm confident that he will do a great job. It was especially good to see how well my nephews have adjusted to the idea.
It's been a long time - too long - since I invested a block of concentrated time in my own spiritual growth at Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Retreat Center in Fremont, OH. God has spoken to me deeply there, on many occasions. I hadn't really planned to go, but this morning I had such a hunger to get away that with Kim's encouragement I eagerly went. It was nice to ride the motorcyle there (therapy!) on what turned out to be a really nice day. I spent time in Mark and started to read The Organic Church again. While I was there, I received a couple of calls that were encouraging to me as a useful member of the body of Christ and also as a Realtor.
I still have a lot of questions about the future, but one verse in particular captured my attention. In Mark 12:14 a teacher speaks to Jesus and describes Him with words that I hope and pray also describe my life: "we know you are a man of integrity. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the word of God in accordance with the truth." I hope that verse characterizes all Christians - especially leaders. It describes the kind of goal that is well worth pursuing for the rest of my life - to be a man of integrity who is secure enough in Jesus to not need the approval of others and bold enough to speak the truth in all circumstances.
A few updates
Since my last post we celebrated Seth's 8th birthday, started the adventure of home schooling, went to Cleveland to see friends and watch the Falcons play Wisconsin, spent an unforgettable Sunday at Family Baptist Church in Toledo, had some awesome worship experiences with the church that meets at our house, and "gave birth" to our first "baby church" that started meeting this week. I've been blessed to see God work in a couple of counseling situations, I had one closing and picked up a new listing, too.
My brother Steve started teaching a course at MidAmerica Nazarene University, my brother Eddie and his family picked out a house in SC, and my dad had a stress test. He will be having a heart cath on Sept 18, and we would really appreciate your prayers. He feels great and is in very good shape so we are full of faith and anticipate a great report.
We are looking forward to a good weekend. Eddie is flying to BG today so I can take him out to lunch and tonight we are going to spend some time at the Black Swamp Arts Festival. I have the privilege of speaking at the game-day chapel with the Falcons tomorrow morning, and we will spend the day Sunday in Columbus to celebrate Eddie's last day as the pastor at Shepherd Nazarene.
Spiritually, I feel pretty good. Of course, I could be much more disciplined in reading the Word and praying. All in all, I am enjoying the pace of life these days.