Monday, September 11, 2006

A worthy goal

I was blessed to speak at the game day chapel on Saturday with the BGSU Falcon football team. It was cool to see so many players and coaches there. I spoke about passion, which was a great topic since I've had a few "passionless" days recently. I love how proclaiming Truth helps me experience it in my own life. The game went into triple overtime and in spite of some pretty poor playing we managed to win. It was exciting to see the team play with passion!

After chapel, I met a friend at a local coffee shop and shared the Gospel with him. Later in the day, while he was alone, he invited Jesus to take over his life! We met for coffee Sunday morning and started the discipleship process. I'm very excited about my friend's new birth and look forward to seeing what God is going to do in his life - and in his family!

Yesterday we went to Columbus for my brother's last Sunday at his church. We arrived for the evening going away party and it was very nice. I've felt for years that it wasn't a matter of "if" but "when" and "where" he would become a district superintendent in the Church of the Nazarene. I'm confident that he will do a great job. It was especially good to see how well my nephews have adjusted to the idea.

It's been a long time - too long - since I invested a block of concentrated time in my own spiritual growth at Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Retreat Center in Fremont, OH. God has spoken to me deeply there, on many occasions. I hadn't really planned to go, but this morning I had such a hunger to get away that with Kim's encouragement I eagerly went. It was nice to ride the motorcyle there (therapy!) on what turned out to be a really nice day. I spent time in Mark and started to read The Organic Church again. While I was there, I received a couple of calls that were encouraging to me as a useful member of the body of Christ and also as a Realtor.

I still have a lot of questions about the future, but one verse in particular captured my attention. In Mark 12:14 a teacher speaks to Jesus and describes Him with words that I hope and pray also describe my life: "we know you are a man of integrity. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the word of God in accordance with the truth." I hope that verse characterizes all Christians - especially leaders. It describes the kind of goal that is well worth pursuing for the rest of my life - to be a man of integrity who is secure enough in Jesus to not need the approval of others and bold enough to speak the truth in all circumstances.


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