Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Time to Listen

We took Seth & Shani to Cedar Point yesterday for our annual trip and had a wonderful time. It was hot, but pretty comfortable. It was fun to watch them and listen to them enjoying the rides and to simply spend time together as a family. We got home late, so I was pretty tired when I got up this morning. That's probably one of the reasons why I didn't feel like I had a very productive day today.
I'm now spending a few hours a week at our office in Perrysburg and we don't have much happening there yet. One very positive thing that happened while I was in P'burg today was an opportunity to have a really good conversation with another agent, and to hear about her life with Jesus. What a great blessing! I'm glad I wasn't "too busy" to take time to build that relationship! I learned a lot by simply listening.
The best part of my day was the gathering of the church that meets at our house. It was a special night because we invited the staff of the local Campus Crusade (Cru) to join us. We had a great meal (as usual) and spent some quality time praying for one another after we discussed the places God is sending us to advance His kingdom. Good stuff. I often find myself wishing I could spend more time with so many quality people in our community like Michael & Teresa, Rob & Amy, Steve & Sandy, and especially with the people in our church. I've said before that the quality of our lives is directly proportionate to the quality of our relationships. I beleive that now more than ever and am blessed to be living a very enjoyable life!
Today's N-Cite: The more I listen the more I learn. God, please teach me to be more attentive to relationships so that I can be a better listener.


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