Wednesday, July 19, 2006

From Frustration to Celebration

I slept in this morning because it was my day off. It felt good. I put some fertilizer on the lawn then fought with my weed eater. For some reason it just wouldn’t run and that was frustrating because it’s brand new. I finally figured out that the new string system I’m using on it is too big and bogs down the small motor. Soaking wet with sweat and with a fresh blister on my finger from trying to start it, I decided to use one string instead of two, and it worked fine. I have to admit that I was pretty proud about not losing my temper over it, which is what usually happens with things mechanical.
My patience was short-lived, however, after I received a call from a client. Did I mention this was my day off? After working several hours on a technology problem Monday and Tuesday that I thought was solved, I found out today that she had not received any of my email and could not log onto a special account I set up with yahoo to access the files that way, either. So I had to print several documents and overnight them, with the threat of losing the account. Meanwhile, the ink cartridge in my printer was low so the quality was nothing like I want to present. My frustration grew by the minute to the point that I was pretty much a crank for the next several hours. I recognized it but couldn’t seem to get out of the anger mode, which only frustrated me even more.
We went to the pool and I really enjoyed that time. It felt good to cool off physically and emotionally.
I was pretty much over my bad mood and looking forward to the people coming to be the church at my house. We were going to grill burgers and dogs, one of my favorite activities. When I went out to fire up the grill it wouldn’t light. I took it all apart, cleaned it, and even switched to a brand new propane tank. No matter what I did it wouldn’t light. By the time I reached a boiling point, our friends were arriving and I went in the house to call a neighbor to borrow their grill. They weren’t home. Fortunately, Tom and Tony managed to get the grill lit and the meal was saved.
I realize that I really needed to be with the people of God tonight, and our time of worship could not have been better. We spent some time talking about our responsibility to one another, especially to those who have not been coming for a few weeks. Then we prayed, and that’s when the breakthrough came for me. When Jerri prayed, it felt like a literal, physical release for me as I welcomed Jesus into my frustration and He reminded me that he had already taken it all upon Himself. Hallelujah!
We spent some time in Hebrews 11 and were all blessed by God’s Word and each other. It’s really good to have Julie & Julie back after their time away, and I’m very grateful that God has brought Kyle into our lives. God spoke through him very clearly tonight.

Today’s N-Cite: My day moved from frustration to celebration. I learned that life is much better for me and the people around me if I start to celebrate in the midst of frustration rather than waiting to “cool off.”


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