Friday, July 14, 2006

Week in Review

I preached at Christ’s Church in BG last Sunday and a young lady gave her heart to Jesus and was baptized on the spot. Awesome!
Bible study with Falcon football players. God met with us and it was powerful.
Two closings and one new listing. Cha-ching!!!!
Seth’s last baseball game of the season.
A very eventful time with the church that meets in our house. Too much to write, but powerful bonds were formed as we faced adversity with the strength of unity.
One baby born to our church family. Ryan & Hope Shearer welcomed their first child, a son, to this world today. I tried to convince them what a wonderful name “Scott” would be for their boy, but they chose Caleb Nathaniel. That will do.
Two lunches at the park with my family this week.
Special time with the Carrasquillo family.
Increased pace on my 5-mile runs with Mark. We always have church when we run!
Significant time with two pastors. Uplifting. Encouraging. Thought-provoking.
Time with Tom & Shirley tonight watching “Transformations,” a DVD about God’s power at work today throughout the earth. Amazing.
17th Wedding Anniversary (tomorrow). The only gift greater than Kim that God has given me is salvation.
I started reading “God’s Politics” by Jim Wallis. Hard to find words to describe, but a must-read for people more committed to being Christian than to being a Democrat or Republican.

Today’s N-Cite: I have a growing sense that God is definitely calling us to be part of a major advancement of His kingdom in BG that will require and involve a wide range of people and traditions. Though He hasn’t revealed the details yet, I will be pursuing God more - first for the sake of knowing Him, and second for the sake of knowing His specific plan and where I fit.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

My sister was really touched that you came to the funeral home. Thanks for coming.

God's Politics kicked my butt. I initially picked it up because election time always left me frustrated and confused. The book helped me realize how little my voting lined up with my faith, and how I can better choose candidates in the future.

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Scott said...

I was glad I had the opportunity to see your family and it really moved me to see your sister's reaction to me being there.

We need to get together and talk about the book. Tony B has also read it and enjoyed it, too.


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