Saturday, June 17, 2006

What a week!

What a week! I knew I wasn’t going to have much time to blog, and I didn’t. Here’s why.
This was the best week I’ve had as a real estate agent. It was very exciting for me as several deals came together for both my clients and Tim’s. (I covered for him while he was on vacation.)
My clients had three accepted offers on house purchases and one accepted offer on the purchase of two lots. With the commercial lease and next week’s closing, these closings will move me into the next category of commission percentages, and that will be most helpful. I praise God for His provision!
Tim’s clients had three accepted offers on house purchases and one offer on a lot should be accepted by Monday. I’ll get a percentage of these transactions.
This week provided light at the end of our financial tunnel and I am standing in faith that God is going to get us out of debt.

I’ve had a great time this week with the family. Wednesday, my day off, I took Seth to basketball camp, and then played kickball and went fishing with Seth & Shani. I also enjoyed baseball games this week.

Church at our house was, once again, so full of life that it’s hard to put into words. God is really meeting with us.

Chris, Sara, Danielle & Erica came over last night and we had church again. Powerful prayer. Deep questions (which we didn’t mind not getting answers to). Shared life of Jesus. Accountability for attitudes and actions. We are truly blessed people.

I’m speaking tomorrow morning at a very small church. I think I’m going to talk about Jonah. I was reading his story this week and several things came to mind. Here are a few random thoughts:
God called him to go to Nineveh and he ran the other direction. I think the church often does that, too. Rather than going to the people in need, we have a propensity for spending as much time as possible with other believers, where it’s “safe.”
Jonah’s disobedience put the other people on the ship in jeopardy. I think rebelling against God always impacts more people than we think.
While the others on the ship were calling out to their gods who could not save them, Jonah was sleeping below deck. That’s a sad and convicting image, and one that, unfortunately, continues to play out in our world.
When Jonah finally repented and went to Nineveh, God used him. God will use anyone who will obey Him.
The people of Nineveh repented when they were called to repentance. God had already prepared their hearts for Jonah’s message. He still prepares hearts today.
Jonah was angry when God chose to spare the city because they repented. Though he learned the value of obedience, Jonah still did not yet have the Father’s heart. I guess obedience without love is better than disobedience, but it's definitely not as good as being motivated to obey because of receiving and giving God’s merciful love.


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