Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Last Sunday afternoon we joined the church that meets at Hendricks for a contemplative prayer walk. I had an open house that afternoon and since only one family showed up it gave me time to read several Psalms and enjoy the time alone with God, so I was ready to enjoy the evening. There were several stations set up with meditations and from the time I drove onto their property I sensed the powerful presence of God. I was very late due to negotiating a sales contract on a different house, but that didn’t detract from the experience at all. There were people there from China, Sri Lanka, Africa and of course the USA. It was a taste of heaven!! After nearly everyone completed the walk, we gathered in the garage and shared our experiences. Some testified. Some sang. We clapped and celebrated and thoroughly enjoyed life together.

The last few days have been a whirlwind of activity and I’ve been reminded of some important things God showed me that night. It is so good to take time to get alone with Jesus, and I hope to make sure it happens more frequently.

Tonight we met with the leaders of PowerHouse. God, and what he does through His people, never ceases to amaze me. Great food. Meaningful communion. Uplifting conversation. Intercessory prayer. Life together. We’re planning an important retreat on June 10 that I believe is going to be instrumental in moving the ministry forward.

Things are tighter financially right now than in the history of our married life but the peace that God has given us is indescribable. Kim and I are like little children simply resting in the loving care of our Father who has proven Himself to be totally trustworthy. I can’t wait to see what He’s going to do next!

Two very important business deals are on the verge of happening, and it’s good to know that whether they go through or not we’re going to be okay. Of course, I’m eager to get some closings but that will happen when it’s supposed to.

Tomorrow night, we are going to celebrate the baptism of three young men at the church that meets at our house. It’s going to be a great time together, and a wonderful opportunity for us to rejoice in the way God changes lives. I hope to get some good pictures. All three guys are former BGSU football players. This morning I bought a large watering trough from the Tractor Supply Store for the baptisms and it’s nice to know that I won’t be getting a hernia this way! It was pretty fun to share with the workers there what we are using it for and I think it was a great encouragement to them.

Today’s N-Cite: I would not trade places with anyone on the planet. I’m starting to think I just may understand the apostle Paul when he said that he had learned the secret of being content in every circumstance: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!


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