Thursday, April 13, 2006

Two Great Days

Yesterday was simply amazing. It was like my life was in perfect alignment – with God, my family, a lifestyle of ministry and even the job! I wrapped up the first transaction (which I thought would be finished three weeks ago), spent a wonderful afternoon with Tim and Chuck, having “church” at Tim’s house, complete with prayer, Scripture, Communion, fellowship, encouragement, and everything church should be. I received the generous gift of borrowing a beautiful Honda Shadow 750, then took Seth & Shani fishing and we caught almost 20 fish!
My relationship with God is strong and vital; my marriage is more fulfilling than ever; my children are a blast; I’m growing more competent with the job, and Jesus truly is Life.

Today was my day off and I met Chad (pastor of a large Assembly of God church in Toledo) for breakfast in Perrysburg. Of course, I got to ride the motorcycle there! He is a true seeker of God’s kingdom and it was a most encouraging time together.

Later, we spent several hours with Mike & Elizabeth Adams. Mike is an evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene and a good friend. It was good to talk about God’s faithfulness and to embrace the mysteries of life together.

All day I was looking forward to the gathering with the church that meets in our house. Ryan bought the lamb and Trevor prepared it. Delicious! It was so good to see Tony after his absence the last couple of weeks and to also have Deb & Shannon join us. We ate, then reviewed the history of Judaism briefly so that we would have a better understanding of Exodus 11 & 12. Then we read and talked about Luke 22 (the last supper) and shared communion. Heartfelt prayer, agreement on allocating the resources God has entrusted to our care, and a warm atmosphere of God’s love characterizes our life together. We are truly blessed.

Today’s N-Cite: The thought struck me tonight during our gathering that most of the world lives as if the story of Jesus ended with Good Friday. I think that is at least a partial explanation for the hopelessness that pervades our world. I pray that the life of Christ in me makes it impossible for people in my influence to live as if Jesus has not risen!


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