Saturday, March 18, 2006

Catching Up

Tuesday night I went to a healing service and during the music I was blessed with some heavy-duty, old-fashioned conviction. I had to confess the sin of self-reliance and living like everything depends on me. God lovingly disciplined me for my unhealthy independence. It can be frustrating to re-learn lessons I thought I had successfully implemented in my life already, but this experience has given me a more realistic understanding of how much we are still like the OT Israelites who had to learn, mess up, and learn again. God's grace really is amazing. It sure is good to be forgiven.

I had an indescribably good day Wednesday - the first day off in a long time. A run in the wind, playing games with Shani, taking Seth to school, and a nice long nap.

Kim and I had a special treat Thursday morning and had breakfast with Mike & Elizabeth Adams. Mike is an evangelist I really enjoy hearing. It was nice to catch up and we will get to see them again soon since he is preaching in Fostoria in a few weeks.

Thursday night house church was cool. We celebrated Tom & Shirley's 35th wedding anniversary and I was privileged to spend the evening with the children. We're still learning how to make the HC intergenerational and meaningful for everyone who is part of our faith community.

It was a thrill to join the BGSU students at Impact Thursday night. I spoke about a topic that has been on my mind a lot the last few weeks: Hearing the voice of God. The end of the night was especially powerful. After our sermon dialogue, we prayed for a while and then I asked people to share what God was saying to us. Probably 10-12 students began sharing by saying, "I beleive the Lord would say to us..." and after each one finished we all said together, "We receive your Word, Lord!" Priesthood of believers in action. Body building at its finest. Kingdom of God stuff that was awesome!

I was in class most of St. Patrick's day, finishing my 10 hours of post-licensing class the great state of OH requires. We partied with some friends all evening and I laughed so much I thought my jaws were going to hurt. Real friends. Real life. As Kim said, we don't realize how much we have missed seeing some people until we had the opportunity to get together.

After working for a while, Andrew B and I got together to pray. We met at Prout Chapel at BGSU and it was powerful. God met with us, and I entered into a deeper rest and was reminded of God's desire for me to enjoy abiding intimacy with Jesus. Lesson learned - again! By the way, please pray for Andrew and several leaders in NW OH who are praying and believing God is calling us to a major evangelistic thrust to teenagers in our area. I beleive God can and will raise up teenagers to plant churches, so that's what I'm praying will happen.

Zakiya (from Uzbekistan) came to watch Seth play b-ball today and then I held an open house for another realtor. I met some very nice people and got one good lead on a potential client.
Daniel & Jennifer are coming over for dinner. Tomorrow we are heading to Sidney to worship with some other HC leaders and it's going to be a great day.

Over the last few days I finished reading "Preaching Re-Imagined" by Doug Pagitt and started reading "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell. Both are great books that offer major challenges to former ways of thinking and these authors write with a style and skill that it makes the badly needed medicine taste good.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

We had a very nice evening! Thanks so much for having us.


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