Tuesday, February 21, 2006


It’s 1:03 a.m. and I can’t sleep. I don’t know if it’s the caffeine from the tea I had for dinner or the myriad of emotions I’ve had the last few days. They have been busy days, generally really good, but not entirely. So here’s a summary of what I’ve felt or am feeling now.

Grateful for new friends. This past weekend Kim and I went on a retreat – a real one, without schedules and measurable goals and action steps – with some new friends who are relative veterans at house churching. What a great time with Mike & Pam, Jan and Sonja, Mike & Cary. True servants of God. All of the them have been refined on the anvil of suffering and are shining like gold.

Grateful for old friends. Time with Chris & Sara, Ted & Cheryl, Jim & Deb, and Julie, and Kevin and the people who worship in our house on Thursdays. They are God seekers. Gracious. Real. They’re secure in Jesus and it’s a lot of fun to be with people who don’t feel like they have to impress anyone. I’m still working on that and fortunate to have their examples.

Amazed at the beauty of God's creation. Ash Cave in Hocking Hills is worth the trip to see it.

Initially angry then sad about a friend of mine who is hurting deeply. I wish there was something I could do to take away some of the pain.

Welcomed into a new office with some cool people who have accepted me with open arms.

Proud of Seth for scoring ten points in his game on Saturday.

Impressed by the strength God gives people who are facing real trials, like my friend Brin. He continues to teach me what it means to lay down your life for someone else. I’ve spent several hours with him in the last few days and he has ministered to me far more than I have to him.

Challenged by the level of honesty of the people at BGPD. I don’t mean this as a slam, but as a point of comparison the church as a whole could learn a few things from the candor of these people.

Privileged to be married to Kim and to be the father of Seth & Shani.

Today’s N-Cite: I pray that God makes me as patient with other people as He is with me and that when I’m feeling squeezed the only thing that will come out is His love.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

Bad news... He won't make you patient.

Good news... He's patient within you.

Praying for you.


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