Sunday, January 29, 2006

Derby Day and Grace

Seth competed in his first Pinewood Derby today and it was a lot of fun - until he realized he wasn't going to get a trophy. He was disappointed and we're trying to use this as a teachable moment to highlight qualities like good sportsmanship, perseverance, losing gracefully and choosing joy even when you don't get what you want. He's watching a western now and appears to be over it.

We had a great time with simple worship last night at PowerHouse. At first I was tempted to be disappointed with the smallness of it all, but then I realized that God was eager to meet with us, and I'm really learning to enjoy smallness these days. The theme for the evening was "grace" and my whole outlook changed when Shani bravely stood up and sang, "Jesus Loves Me." It was more than cute; it was inspiring. She is a special girl!

We had a productive morning, helping Lisa move - in the rain. The rain didn't dampen our spirits and we enjoyed sweet fellowship with some of our house church family. It only took about an hour and a half and it was powerful when we held hands and prayed for God to bless her time in the new house and to make it a place where many people will come to know Jesus. It was a grace filled moment.

Today's N-Cite: Life is full of disappointment. The sooner we learn to deal with it productively - meaning that we refuse to be miserable or make those around us miserable - and gracefully, the better we will reflect the reality of the joy of the Lord being our strength.


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