Monday, January 16, 2006

Common Life, Holy Life

Saturday night we had the first PowerHouse Network Gathering for the purpose of worship (rather than just information and sharing the vision of reaching our neighborhoods with the good news of Jesus). It was amazing to experience such a high level of participation. Testimonies were shared, prayers were offered, confession of sin and great desire to honor God was expressed. The teaching featured a wonderful dialogue complete with questions and answers. Real. Raw. Unfiltered.
We prayed for healing Not everyone we prayed for was healed instantly, but Justin was. He was delivered from the pain of a previously broken elbow. I have lots of questions about healing but I know Jesus did it, his disciples did it and his disciples continue to do it.
We prayed for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, relying on God to fulfill His promise to give us boldness to witness.
We experienced what I believe God intended for His Church to be. It was common people, sharing a common life, with common faith and a common goal. And it was holy.

It was good to start the day Sunday with a 5 mile run. It’s been way too long since I’ve done that. I ran with a friend, and God blessed me with the privilege of sharing two things I love with Kevin – Jesus and running. Common things, running and talking. And holy.

We enjoyed brunch with Dilbones and couldn’t stop talking about God and what He is doing in our lives. We laughed. We ate. We prayed. We learned. We grew. And the Church was edified (that’s a churchy word that means we were stronger in Christ after we met than we were before we got together.) Common. Holy.

Our neighbors came over in the evening to enjoy some of Kim’s homemade pizza and conversation. Our kids played together and we had the privilege of seeing a friendship grow. Common food. Common people. And because of Christ, it was holy.

Today I was back in class. I learned that I feel a lot better at the end of the day if I take walks outside during the breaks. It was nice and sunny and refreshing. It’s hard to sit still that long, but I am enjoying the program. I am growing more excited about this new career in real estate and trust that God’s light will shine through my life. Common job. Common guy. And a holy calling.

Upward basketball practice started tonight and I loved it. The boys had a great time and I’m excited about getting to know my assistant coach better. I’m confident that the exposure he is going to have to the gospel over the next few weeks is going to make a difference in his life. Common games. Holy purposes.

Today’s N-Cite: We must be careful to avoid extremes when it comes to God’s Spirit. At one extreme, we can’t try to control or limit the work of God’s Spirit or we will quench it. At the other extreme, we can’t attempt to contrive a particular experience in the Spirit to meet our preconceived ideas of what He should do. I know that because I’ve been guilty of both extremes. I’m learning that simply seeking God and surrendering to His plan (whenever and however He reveals it) is the way to go, seeing and experiencing His holiness in the most common things of life.


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