Thursday, January 05, 2006


Life is full of possibilities. The trick, I think, is knowing when to take a risk and move into uncharted waters. That's pretty much where we've been living, and I'm learning a lot - especially about myself.
I'm learning that it's tough when the only thing you feel competent to do is no longer what you desire to do. That must be a doorway (however hidden) to new possibilities.
I'm learning that there must be more issues of pride in my life than I had realized, and the only way to get rid of it is often humiliating.
I'm learning that sometimes you just have to make a decision and see what happens. No matter what the decision is, not everyone will agree, and that's OK. So, I'm going to go ahead and go to realtor school. Classes start next week.
I'm learning that it's possible to learn from anyone on this planet.
Life is full of possibilities. I hope I take advantage of the right ones.

Today's N-Cite: C.S. Lewis once said that pain is God's megaphone. I agree, whether that is physical or emotional pain. There is no real spiritual growth without brokenness, and I'm finding that who I am becoming is worth the pain to get here.


At 11:17 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Thanks for your kindness! It's great to travel this journey with you. It's always good to be reminded of our identity in Christ.
So, from one saint to another (only by the grace of God), thanks for letting the Jesus in You speak words of life to me.


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