Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Video Church

Best selling author and pastor Rick Warren (along with other big hitters in American Christianity) are excited about multi-site campuses for their churches that are linked electronically to the mother church. This has been happening for a few years now, and attendance in these churches is growing. He writes:

"There are two things I love about the multiple video/venue approach. First, it allows multiple options in styles and times of services. Second, and more important, it allows the large church to feel smaller. The truth is, pastors are the only people who like huge services. Members put up with the large size because of the teaching, programs, and ministry opportunities offered. If they could find those things in a smaller church, no doubt they would be there, in my view ... We intend to grow through the multiplication of smaller venues on our campus." From the Book - Outside the Box

I love his honesty! “Pastors are the only people who like huge services.” Of course we do! It’s a lot more satisfying to preach to 1,000 than to 10. If we find satisfaction in having the spotlight and showcasing our talents, then the bigger the crowd the better. But is that the purpose of preaching?

I think Warren understands that real community is what people need. He also understands that if you give people what they want, they will come in droves. But is what people are asking for what they really want? And is passively watching a video in a service that is designed to satisfy my preferences a medium that betrays the heart of the gospel message?

I like innovative and creative ideas designed to advance the Kingdom of God. I’m not down on Warren. In fact, I thank God for him. But think he is simply trying to put old wine in a newer version of an old wineskin. As long as the primary ministry of the church must be "on campus," we will be perpetuating the "y'all come" approach rather than fulfilling our calling as the "sent ones."

I agree that smaller churches are ideal. If that’s really true, then I think we should work on a quality small church (house church) and then multiply it. It’s organic. It’s cheap. It’s decentralized. It’s flexible and adaptable. It requires participation. It highlights the little-practiced but highly touted idea of the priesthood of believers. It has limitless growth possibilities. It is reproducible, and universally applicable. And it also happens to be biblical.

Today's N-Cite: Wolfgang Simson says that there are four main approaches to building the Church. We can build our church (flesh building flesh). We can try to build God's Church (flesh building Spirit). We can ask God to build our church (Spirit building flesh). Or we can let God build His Church (Spirit building Spirit). I like the last option best, don't you?


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

Who are you and what have you done with Senior Pastor Scott Estep??? :)

I'm proud to know you, and proud of how you are letting Jesus express himself through you.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Thanks for your encouragement on this wild journey. Glad to be taking it with you!


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