Friday, January 20, 2006

Sweet Communion

We had a great time worshiping with our house church Thursday night. The kids were in and out of the discussion and when it came time for communion we made sure they joined us. There were three children here and when we told them it was time to celebrate communion they threw up their hands and ran toward our living room shouting joyfully, "Communion! Communion!" It was sweet. I think that's the level of excitment and celebration Jesus wants us to have when we receive His body and blood and the unspeakable grace that comes with it.

B & B led us in communion and B read a powerful poem called "Sweet Communion." It talks about an intimate relationship with God, for which all of us are hungry.

I'm at my brother's house tonight (we got to see my nephew play basketball and he had a very good game). We've been really looking forward to this time and the conversation has been rich. God is stretching all of us and the presence of Christ was very evident as we talked. As I told him about our house church gathering this week, my brother recognized "Sweet Communion" as being written by his associate pastor's wife! Amazing. You never know how your obedience in sharing what God gives you is going to bless others. I thank God for what He's given Geri and I thank Geri for what she has given the rest of us.

It's good to have sweet communion with God and with my spiritual family!


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