Sunday, February 12, 2006

Good Weekend

We're getting ready to go to church this morning but it doesn't start until 11:00 so I have had some time to play with Seth and blog a little. We're going to a growing church that meets in the mall and the pastor is a weatherman on a local news channel. Several of our friends are attending there and it will be nice to worship with them.
It's already been a really good weekend. Friday night at Q'Doba (Mexican restaurant) was a lot of fun. Chris & Sara have been going there for a long time and it was fun to see them buiding a friendship with the owner. She was excited about being invited to their home for dinner.
Saturday started out with breakfast at Panera at 7:30 with Mark. He loves Jesus and is very interested in PowerHouse. Plus, he likes to hunt.
I spent most of the day at Upward Basketball at BG Nazarene with 1-2 graders. I reffed two games, coached one and had the privilege of doing the halftime devotions at 5 games. I was pretty whipped when I got home and just had a couple hours before going to PowerHouse.
I was tired when our gathering started, but totally energized by the time we left. God's presence was sweeet. Chris is adding to the band and people were ready to sing praises, even though we had technical difficulty and no one had the words. We had a great time praying for people who need healing, and it was really cool to have Zach, who is in elementary school, lead us in prayer for his teacher Brenda's healing.
We talked about the favor of God and how everyone in the Bible who was favored greatly also suffered greatly - Mary, Paul, Job, and of course Jesus. I believe God is getting his Bride ready for a time of greater testing and persecution than we have ever know. As Russ said, with great favor comes great persecution.
It was great to see several guests there and to hear people inviting them to join their house church. It looks like the church that meets in our house will be mulitiplying very soon. We anticipate a pretty crowded time this Thursday and will need to birth at least one new church quickly.
Since we meet so early on Saturdays, there was plenty of time to share a meal afterwards. We went to Paglai's with Hendricks and Julie and continued the discussion about what it means to have God's favor. My desire to know Jesus, to live Jesus, and to share Jesus was greatly increased because of our time together.


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