Thursday, April 06, 2006


Tonight the church that meets at my house was simply beautiful. I saw and heard Jesus through the Word (especially Psalm 121) and the encouraging words of my brothers and sisters. This is an amazing community of faith – a family who shares struggles, victories, frustrations, triumphs, sins and, of course, lots of great food. The honesty and safety to be vulnerable is amazingly refreshing. Nothing to prove to anyone – just a common desire to know Jesus, to share Jesus, and for Him to live His life through us. Simple church.

I am still struggling some to figure out and get a grip on who I am these days. Michael W. Smith's song "Place in This World" says, "This becoming is harder than it seems." He's right. So much has changed: daily routines, dreams, relationships, and what was once a generally predictable rhythm of life. It seems like everything is different. And yet, everything that is most important has not changed: God’s love and sovereignty, my godly wife and adorable children, a desire to see God’s kingdom advance in NW OH and the ongoing longing to make a significant difference in the short time I’m on this spinning planet.

I’m thankful tonight for so many people – for prayer time with Andrew this morning, an uplifting email from Ted, and words of truth from the church. With their help and the ongoing filling of the Holy Spirit, I am certain that I will have more clarity about who I am becoming and exactly what God is up to in our life together. No matter how hard it may seem, I am confident that it's worth it all to be conformed to the image of Jesus.


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