Sunday, April 02, 2006

Catching Up

Life is good, and I am very blessed. Good friends, a wonderful family, and a great God. Some highlights over the last week are:

Last Sunday – a good open house in the afternoon, then powerful worship with the church that meets at Dilbones. Sara received a call while we were eating and found out her 6 year old cousin had been accidentally run over by her daddy. We prayed with great fervor and were disappointed to hear that she died. Nevertheless, seeing the church experience this fiery trial together was a privilege.

Monday - Upward Awards night at Dayspring. Great event. Excellent leadership by Denny Bowen and Danielle Carrasquillo.

Tuesday – the Business Network International group I am in had a large lunch event at the Stoneridge Clubhouse. I got to meet some new people and it was nice that Bill & Craig were there. Bill is in the church that meets in our house and it is going to be good to see him more often and send more business his way.

Wednesday – another very good day off. I got a chance to work on some PowerHouse stuff, go to lunch with Seth, play games with Shani and go on her preschool’s fieldtrip to the fire station. What a treat!

Thursday – It was a beautiful days so I came home early and took Seth & Shani fishing for the first time this year. Seth caught the first bass, and then I caught one, too. Shani enjoyed playing with the worms. Thursday night has become very special, and the church that meets in my house is always the highlight of my week.

Friday – successfully negotiated my first contract. It’s small but was a great experience.

Saturday – Kiwanis Pancake breakfast, practical jokes at my office for April Fool’s Day, watching Bonanza with the kids, NCAA basketball and delicious ribs with friends.

Today – Sweet time with Jesus, a great run and powerful time of prayer with Kevin (sharing life and sharpening each other happens every time we run), coffee & coffee cake with neighbors, open houses and a very enjoyable evening at BGSU’s International Dinner. This is a wonderful place to live! I hope to post some pictures tomorrow of Zakiya. She danced and was in the fashion show. She was radiant and I’m sure you will enjoy the pictures.

I’m reading Job right now. Powerful book. God is showing me that Job’s three friends meant well. They said some very good, even profound things. But they also said some things that weren’t so good. Even though they were totally convinced that they knew what God was all about and how He works, they were wrong. That’s a good word for me, and for all of us. We probably don’t know as much about God’s character as we like to think we do. I’m glad that Job stayed faithful and his friends didn’t let their theological differences lead them to abandon him. And I’m thankful for all the people in my life with whom I have shared good words, and some not so good words. I’m thankful we are sticking together on this amazing journey with Jesus.


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