Tuesday, April 11, 2006

random thoughts

This week I have been missing worshiping with and seeing some old friends. Knowing that all believers will be together for eternity, with no goodbyes, is a comforting thought. So, I sent a few emails and got a couple replies. That was nice.

My friend Mike celebrated the salvation of his father, after praying for him for 35 years! Just a couple days later, Mike's mom went to heaven. It's been good to see God's faithfulness in the highs and lows of life.

We went to a revival service last night and heard an evangelist we really enjoy - Mike Adams. He spoke about forgiveness and it was a powerful message. I think I forgive easily but it was a good reminder of the importance of maintaining an ongoing attitude of mercy and grace since we will always be vulnerable to others hurting us. We look forward to spending some time with Mike & Elizabeth on Thursday.

On Tuesday mornings we have office meetings and then tour new listings. The people I rode with today were very free in expressing their dissatisfaction with co-workers. I want to be a good listener without encouraging gossip and as I listened I prayed. I tried to redirect the conversation a couple of times but mostly I just listened. I am sure that God will direct when I am to speak and reveal exactly what He desires to say through me. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent and I think it's really important to know when to do both.

All in all, my attitude is much improved since Kim and I talked and prayed together for a long time Sunday night. We are still dealing with the newness of this season of our lives, but we're in it together and learning to choose joy and the abundant life that God intends. Good things are happening in the house churches in our little network, and I'm regaining an excitment and joy for preaching at our bi-monthly gatherings. I especially look forward to a great Easter celebration this weekend.


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