Sunday, June 04, 2006

Graduations, Pentecost, etc.

The last couple days have been packed. I enjoyed a 6.5 mile run, Seth’s baseball game, three graduation parties, an open house, preaching at a Methodist Church, Cub Scout den meeting, and doing yard work. We sat around the chimnea last night and made smores and it was really good to relax a little. I was able to ride the motorcycle to Rossford to show another house tonight, and I really enjoyed getting out.

The boys who graduated are fine young men, and the thought of my own kids graduating came to mind. Each year seems to pass by more quickly, and it’s hard to imagine facing an “empty nest.” I’m glad that we won’t have to deal with that for at least ten more years, and I plan to make the most of them.

At the parties, we got to see a few friends from BG Naz that we hadn't seen in quite a while and it was nice. Even though we don't worship at the same location anymore, I sure hope that everyone still views us as all being on the same team.

Today is Pentecost Sunday and I enjoyed preaching about the work of the Holy Spirit. (This was the third church I've preached at in three weeks, and I’m having a great time with these opportunities.) Jesus called him “The Spirit of Truth” and said he would convict us of sin. I talked about the difference between conviction and condemnation. The discussion we had at the church that meets at my house on Wednesday played an important part in my understanding, and I think people were both challenged and encouraged today.

At the end of the week, I got an accepted offer on a house that will close this month, and things are shaping up nicely for the Organic Church Planting Seminar we are hosting on June 10. It promises to be a good week.


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