Saturday, July 08, 2006

Update 5 etc.

We’re home!!
Virginia was released from the hospital on Monday. We had hoped to get an early start, but it was almost 5:00 pm before we left Pittsburgh. Prayers were answered and she traveled very comfortably, with just one stop during the 4 hour trip. Each day she is getting stronger and more active. Her recovery is simply miraculous and our prayer time together as a family has been awesome. I’m so happy Seth & Shani are seeing prayers answered and having their faith built at such young ages.
I haven’t posted since then because God had a lot of work lined up for me when I got home. This week, I was blessed to get three new houses listed and this afternoon one of the other houses I have listed got an accepted offer. So far I have several closings set for the month of July – 11th, 12th, 28th, and 31st. It is highly likely that at least one more will be scheduled for this month. It will be the first month in the business that I will make enough to cover our monthly expenses, and I believe God is giving me a taste of the abundant supply He is sending. I’ve especially enjoyed some wonderful conversations and prayer time with two new clients.
The gathering of the church on Wednesday was very powerful. All were in complete agreement that God is calling us to go deeper. Though we have been enjoying one another’s company and the obvious presence of the Holy Spirit among us, it’s time to commit more time personally to the study of the Bible and prayer for people who do not yet know Jesus. We are all hungry to know God and know each other more intimately, and live more missional lives. We are eager to see people transformed, baptized, and living lives that are in step with the Holy Spirit. We want to experience even more signs, wonders, and demonstrations of God’s power, and to benefit from all the gifts God has for His Church. It sure is great to be learning and growing together!
I picked up the Honda Shadow 750 Thursday night to borrow it again. Once again, we enjoyed being the church this week, this time with the Moores. Mike is the president of a local Christian Motorcyclists Association, and it was fun to spend time with his family and share what God is doing in our lives.
Friday morning Chris and I rode the bikes (he has a Suzuki Boulevard) to Dayton to have breakfast with my brother Steve & his family. They were on their way back to MO after vacationing in OH. I had hoped to see them earlier in the week, but was busy with work. It was a joy to spend time with them.
Friday afternoon I got to hang out with Sam Barber for a while. He is a great friend/brother and I hope to see him again soon.
Friday night we enjoyed being the church with Dilbones, Danielle & Adam. We ate, prayed, encouraged one another and watched Medea's Family Reunion.
This morning we went to Seth’s baseball game, and when we got home I got to spend some time reading and praying. It was so refreshing. I’m preaching tomorrow at Christ’s Church in BG and am getting a good sense of direction for what the Spirit wants to say to the Church. I’ve been drawn to study the reign of Hezekiah in 2 Chronicles 29-32. These chapters are full of great stuff.
This afternoon I met with a client then we enjoyed the antique car show in downtown BG. I love living in this place!
Tonight we were blessed with a surprise visit from Randy & Connie. We always enjoying being the church with them, and were greatly encouraged as we prayed, sang, and celebrated Jesus together. I look forward to getting to bed early, going for a nice run with Mark in the morning (we will talk a lot about the sermon I’m preparing for), then worshiping with the saints at Christ’s Church. It has already been a great weekend, and it’s only half over!


At 11:38 PM, Blogger Randy and Connie Harris said...

Good to see you all today. Glad you were home. Look forward to the next time!

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

So glad to hear about Virginia's improvements. I have been thinking of her a lot.


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