Renewed Focus
The time I spent at the retreat center on Monday was really refreshing. I have started to re-read The Organic Church, and it's providing some renewed focus for me, especially as it relates to our involvement in the organic/simple/house church movement. I'd like to share something I read today that makes a lot of sense and continues to convict and challenge me:
"We would do much better as leaders in the Church to learn at the feet of the farmer rather than study with the CEO of a corporation. It is time we see that the Church starts in the fields, not in the barns. We spend so much time building nice barns with padded pews, air-conditioned halls, and state-of-the-art sound systems, yet we have neglected the fields. We are as foolish as the farmer who builds a barn and then stands in the doorway calling all the crops to come in and make themselves at home. It is time for the Church to get her hands dirty in the soil of lost people's lives." (p. 35)
He may be overstating things a bit, but probably not much. Contructing buildings and getting your hands dirty in the soil of lost people's lives are certainly not mutually exclusive. There are many churches who have successfully done both. However, I think they are probably the exception. I have had and will continue to have some great experiences in the buildings mentioned above, but the call to get my hands dirty resonates deeply.
I've followed CEO models much more than learning from farmers. It's a lot more glamorous to do that, and it sure made me feel important. I understand it a little better now, because most of us tend to identify ourselves by what we can accomplish. However, I am finding that most of what has eternal significance defies our measurements.
Even as we began our new ministry, I have made many mistakes in attempting to centralize, control, and build. I think the best goal I can have is to abide in Jesus to the degree that every moment of every day I am responding in faith to whatever God is initiating/growing in that moment. I know that His priority is lost people, and that priority needs to be more apparent in my life. I think I'll head out today with a bag of seeds and sow as generously as I can.
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