Sunday, March 25, 2007

A wonderful day

Today was pretty amazing. I didn't sleep much last night but prayed a lot and felt pretty refreshed when I got up. I had the privilege of speaking at the 50th annual community men's communion breakfast at a local church and it was a lot of fun (at 7:00 am!!) I was especially happy to see several men - young and old - who are friends of mine and continue to passionately pursue their relationship with Jesus. Later, I spoke at the morning worship service and the congregation was extremely receptive. It was a great morning.
We enjoyed a special treat of having lunch with some of our church family (Barb and her son Seth) then Kim and the kids went to the library and later to Otsego HS's production of The Wizard of Oz while I had two listing appointments and met with a new buyer client. I left the house at about 6:25 this morning and got back home around 8:30 tonight.
Yes, it's been a long day but very fulfilling. I'm tired but it's a really good tired and the day has been full of significant encounters with people. Being the extrovert that I am, it's been most energizing and invigorating. But it will also feel good to get some rest.
I'm eager to spend some time reading 2 Corinthians this week as Tom, Bill & I continue to devour God's word together. Recently Kim and I have also experienced significant growth in our relationship and tonight I am full of gratitude for the countless blessings and extravagant love God keep dishing out so lavishly.

Friday, March 23, 2007


Last night our church spent some time in Psalm 37 and it was really good. Verse 4 says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." I've been praying the last few days that I will only desire what God desires for me. I think that's a good prayer, but I just realized that the desires we have should not be the primary focus - even if they are not "good" desires and need to be corrected. If my thoughts are on my desires, then that makes life all about me and my ability to be right, think right, do right. And that prevents me from focusing on God. It's ironic but true that when I try the hardest to desire the right things, it usually results in frustration. I think that's why the verse puts much more emphasis on the object of our delight, making the desires a byproduct. Anytime I get that backwards, being a Christian is hard work and I can never seem to measure up. But delighting in God is not hard work and naturally leads me to desire what He desires. So, I'm going to delight in the One who delights in me, and that is both amazingly simple and simply amazing.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Off to a great start

It's been a long and very busy day but a good one, and this week is off to a great start. My day started with meeting Tom & Bill for breakfast and sharing life. We're reading Acts this week and are all eager to utilize all the spiritual authority we have been given. I'm pretty excited about the spritual hunger and growth we are experiencing together.

I'm really enjoying my job. I was blessed to get a new listing and an accepted offer today. February was an exceptionally good month and I anticipate a very favorable Spring.

I had a lot of fun at our basketball practice tonight. The boys are really improving. After practice, I learned that the parents of one of our players are getting a divorce, and I hope to give him some special attention during the last 4 weeks of our season. I was honored to be able to listen and support a person who is hurting.

It will be another long day tomorrow but one I have been eagerly anticipating. I'll be traveling with several international students from BGSU (this week is Spring Break) to Amish Country in Holmes County. It will be good to make some new friends and have some new experiences - and to eat a huge Amish meal!

I had a good time preaching yesterday and look forward to some upcoming opportunities to speak in a few other local churches. My love for the Body of Christ is growing and I'm really grateful for the unique opportunities God is providing. He and I have a wonderful relationship that's really simple: He opens the doors and I go through them. What a way to live!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Challenging Reading

Life has been very full lately - full of growth, deepening relationships with God, Kim, friends. I recently finished Brian McLaren's "A New Kind of Christian" and am currently re-reading "Reclaiming God's Original Intent for the Church." I recommend both books. McLaren is a good writer who says some insightful and very provocative things. I agree with a lot of what he has to say and have had to wrestle quite a bit with other concepts he presents. One thing I liked is this statement from a character named Neo:
"I think what Jesus was about, and really, what all the apostles were about at their best moments... was a global, public movement or revolution to bring holistic reconciliation, a reconnection with God, with others, with ourselves, with our environment. True religion, revolutionary religion. that's what got them in such trouble." (page 73)
Another quote from page 156 about our mission:
"Our mission is comprehensive - so that every Christian, "clergy" and "lay" (troublesome terms in themselves), is equally sent - to a classroom, a factory, an office building, a highway, a jungle, whatever - to be an agent of Christ, an agent of the kingdom. (Paul called them "peace ambassadors of Christ.")