Friday, March 02, 2007

Challenging Reading

Life has been very full lately - full of growth, deepening relationships with God, Kim, friends. I recently finished Brian McLaren's "A New Kind of Christian" and am currently re-reading "Reclaiming God's Original Intent for the Church." I recommend both books. McLaren is a good writer who says some insightful and very provocative things. I agree with a lot of what he has to say and have had to wrestle quite a bit with other concepts he presents. One thing I liked is this statement from a character named Neo:
"I think what Jesus was about, and really, what all the apostles were about at their best moments... was a global, public movement or revolution to bring holistic reconciliation, a reconnection with God, with others, with ourselves, with our environment. True religion, revolutionary religion. that's what got them in such trouble." (page 73)
Another quote from page 156 about our mission:
"Our mission is comprehensive - so that every Christian, "clergy" and "lay" (troublesome terms in themselves), is equally sent - to a classroom, a factory, an office building, a highway, a jungle, whatever - to be an agent of Christ, an agent of the kingdom. (Paul called them "peace ambassadors of Christ.")


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