Monday, January 22, 2007

Seeking First

When we were in MO for Christmas, my dad encouraged the family to live out the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 6:33 - Seek first kingdom of God and all these things (clothes, food, material needs) will be added to you. It was a good reminder, and the last couple weeks I have benefited greatly from doing that. It's been good to enjoy a Sabbath and spend much more time reading God's Word. My friend Tom and I are keeping each other accountable for daily reading, and we're both growing. The last couple of weeks we have read Exodus and 1 Samuel, and this week we're going to finish 2nd Samuel. I love reading about King David's life and I really appreciate the way God lets us see David's failures as well as his successes.

Some highlights over the last few days include successfully negotiating some contracts and spending time with friends (old and new). It's nice to have a few closing scheduled after a dry spell. Kim and I enjoyed the annual Wood Co Bd of Realtors annual dinner on Saturday. Sunday Seth won 3rd place in the pinewood derby, and we had a great time Sunday night with friends.

Today I was privileged to be a "substitute professor" at BGSU. I taught three Educational Psychology courses and it was a lot of fun. The students responded very well and we all learned some things.

We are now in the second week of Upward Basketball practices and the boys I coach are pretty special. It's going to be a fun season.

A couple posts ago I wrote about being conflicted. I'm feeling more stable these days. Oh, I still have a lot of questions about the future, but as long as I am diligent to keep first things first, I'm sure things will work out just fine. After all, that's what Jesus promised!


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