Sunday, December 03, 2006

I enjoyed teaching last week and am grateful for the opportunities God is providing. Friday was especially nice since I got to have lunch at BGHS with two former Falcon football players (Rob & KB) who are student teaching there now. They are both Christians and we really enjoyed spending time together. Rob was baptized at my house last summer and is planning to start seminary in January.
I showed some properties yesterday and last night we saw The Gospel According to Scrooge at Dayspring. The contrast between the joy of the Cratchits in their poverty and the misery of Scrooge in his wealth impacted me more this year than ever before. Charles Dickens sure did an amzing job writing such a powerful story, and the folks at Dayspring have done a nice job with their production.
I had fun preaching this morning at St. John's Episcopal Church. Since I'm not an ordained priest in that denominaton, I am not eligible to serve communion. (I could write a lot about my disagreement with this position, but I don't have the time or energy to do it now.) With this being the first Sunday of Advent, the Spirit led me to preach about being prepared for Jesus' return. The people were very receptive and challenged by the stories Jesus told in Matthew 25.
My friend Paul Aduba is an ordained Anglican, so he came and led the rest of the service. He has great faith and it was encouraging to serve with him.
During the service I wondered how I can honor important traditions without allowing them to drown out the effectiveness of God's Word. I should meditate on the words of Jesus to the religious leaders about their traditions making the word of God to no effect until I can get some more insight on this.
It was a busy afternoon with Seth's Cub Scout den meeting, then I was honored to participate in the dedication service for the new building where Christ's Church of BG meets. From there, I met with a client who has a pretty decent offer on his house then headed home for dinner. A few of our church family joined us and it was good to see them.
This promises to be another good week and I look forward to seeing how this adventure of life will continue to unfold.


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