Monday, October 30, 2006

Cowgirls & Army Men

Playing dress up can be a lot of fun. Seth and Shani dressed up yesterday for a trip to the Toledo Zoo, where they recieved some good candy. (My favorite is Almond Joy candy bars, and I'm glad they were generous and shared one with me!)
I enjoy seeing Seth's & Shani's imaginations at work, and I appreciate how they are fully present in their play - without thinking about how others see them, how much money they have, or how popular they are. Reminds me of Jesus' words about needing to become like children to enter His kingdom.
I have a couple rambling thoughts about dressing up:
... David tried to wear King Saul's armor and it didn't fit. Instead of forcing a square peg in a round hole, David refused to wear something that wasn't designed for him. Any yoke or burden that doesn't fit is not from God and should be discarded, no matter how nice it may look, or how well it may have worked for someone else.
... The clothing I always want to wear never goes out of style and is appropriate for every location and event. It is Tailor-made for a perfect fit. I'm talking about the armor of God, covered with a coat of humility.
...There is a story of Jesus healing a man who had been demon possessed, and after the healing the man was dressed and in his right mind. That's a nice description - dressed and in his right mind.
... You can have fun without wearing a mask. In fact, you can enjoy life a lot more when you're secure enough to never wear one.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

If only more people, believers included, could learn that authenticity is the key to deep and meaningful relationships we would be more united as the body of Christ. You are so right in that we can enjoy life a lot more when we're secure enough to never wear a mask.

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Jennifer from Ohio said...

Almond Joys...ugh, you coconut lovers are a strange bunch. Now Junior Mints are another story! If I ever have an Almond Joy windfall, I will send them all to you!


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