Thursday, October 05, 2006

I can relate

I'm reading Matthew this week and I find myself relating to the religious people who wanted Jesus to perform some tricks (the biblical terminology is signs/wonders). I think they wanted him to prove himself and "make" them believe. Even though he could have easily wowed them, he chose not to and even spoke harshly about their "need" for a sign. He said "No." They didn't like it. And neither do I.
I think the issue was that they wanted to control him for their own purposes - the same way I often do. And when Jesus doesn't do what I want, Burger King style - my way, right away - it's easy to pout and question rather than to rest, with simple, childlike faith. I know that's what I'm supposed to do (trust, believe, wait patiently, rest) but I certainly don't always do it. Even though I don't want to kill him (as the religious leaders did), I have definitely intentionally avoided Jesus when he didn't give me what I thought I wanted.
I'm learning these days that I have a lot more to learn. I thought I was farther down the road of maturity than I really am. But rather than be discouraged by that, I realized (at the gathering of the church that meets at my house tonight) that I need to be encouraged by it, and have fun on the journey.


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