Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Memorable Days

Seth turned 9 on Saturday. Since I was in MN for the football game, we spent the day together on Wednesday, which was a very special day. He joined me to do a final walk-through with a client at 8:00 am, then we went to the closing at 9:00. He was very patient because he knew we were going to Cabela's next. It was a great time as we looked through the store, had lunch and picked out a sweet pellet gun. We took it home and shot it a few times before we checked out his favorite store in BG. It's a scooter/ 4-wheeler place on S Main St and he's saving his money for a 4-wheeler. It's nice to stop in every once in a while to keep his vision alive! Then we went to the Falcon football practice where the starting long-snapper taught him a few things. I really appreciated Neil working with Seth and I know he enjoyed it. After practice we had an excellent Bible study. We are working through Matthew 25, where Jesus tells three stories about his return. The main focus is that there is no substitute for preparation. So far we've covered the stories that teach we are responsible for ourselves (gotta make sure we have oil in our lamps) and our stuff (doing the best we can with what we have been given). It was a wonderful day.

Seth is playing flag football and has had two practices so far. I think he's going to have a lot of fun. We just signed up Shani to play soccer this fall. She is pretty excited about playing and really impresses me with how coordinated she is. I think she got all of her athletic ability from her mom! It's going to be busy the next several weeks with her practices on Mon & Thurs (games on Saturday mornings) and Seth's practices on Tue & Thurs (games on Saturday & Sunday afternoons).

The game in MN was amazing. I've been disappointed with ESPN's lack of coverage since we upset a Big 10 team, which seemed to be the thing to do on Saturday! (Yeah, App State!!). I am learning to be more observant and aware, so as the game was being played I watched and listened and was so impressed with the way the players and coaches related to one another and responded to the circumstances. I think it's going to be a very exciting season!
I love the privilege of spending time with the team and felt an especially powerful anointing to preach at the chapel service Saturday morning. God was speaking and there was a great sense of people receiving His life-giving Word.

Upcoming plans...

Next week I'm going to the state convention for the Ohio Board of Realtors. It will be my first convention and I look forward to the experience, though I am not eager to be away from home.

There was a bit of a mix-up with the scheduling at Rudolph Christian Church so I won't be there this Sunday, but I will be there on Sept. 16. This is going to work out fine since I leave for Columubs on Sunday after Seth's first flag football game.

Though business has slowed down the last couple of weeks, I'm continuing to trust and walk by faith with complete confidence that all of our needs will be met. God has proven Himself over and over and I am trying to take advantage of this time to get a little more rest and spend more quality time with my family.


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