Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter, Christians!!!

The last couple of days have been fertile soil for some significant growth in my life. Yesterday afternoon I went to the BG Community Good Friday service. During one portion of the service, various Bible translations of Isaiah were read. The one verse that hit me like a ton of bricks was that Jesus did not open his mouth. He did not open his mouth. The God who spoke the world into existence could have, with a single word, ended it all. Yet, he was silent. He did not feel compelled to justify himself in the eyes of others. He knew Who he was and that was enough.

Chris & Sara came over tonight. One thing that has been on my mind (and Sarah's) this week is a deep sadness over the times I have spoken when I should have been silent. If you have ever been hurt by any careless words I have spoken, I sincerely apologize.

As we celebrate our Risen Savior (who only said what the Father told him to say) Happy Easter!!


At 8:49 AM, Blogger middle aged blogger said...

He is Risen Indeed!

And tonight...the hospital...and tomorrow...the baby!

Ma B

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

God help us all in our quickness to speak and slowness to silence!

I rarely regret being silent, how about you? :)


At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So happy to hear the good news, MaB! We celebrate the arrival with you!

Danielle - you're so right. Though there have been a few times when I wish I had said something I didn't, it's far more often that I wish I hadn't said something I did!

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Stetlers said...

I've been dealing with the same stuff this week. Why is so hard to keep our mouths shut sometimes? One thing I've been trying to tell myself this week is that I only need to worry/talk about what I am "for." Hopefully this will help keep my negative words to a minimum!
Happy Easter, Estep's! We look forward to seeing you soon.


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